
现在位置:首页 > 医学版 > 期刊论文 > 其它各类 > 烟草控制杂志 > 2006年
    07-04-10 Smokers’ reactions to reduced ignition propensity cigarettes
    07-04-10 Tobacco industry litigation strategies to oppose tobacco control media campaigns
    07-04-10 The social context of smoking: the next frontier in tobacco control
    07-04-10 Levels of toxins in oral tobacco products in the UK
    07-04-10 22 years on: the impact and relevance of the UK No Smoking Day
    07-04-10 Are comprehensive environmental changes as effective as health education for smoking cessation
    07-04-10 Medicaid reimbursement for prenatal smoking intervention influences quitting and cessation
    07-04-10 Tobacco sales in pharmacies: time to quit
    07-04-10 New tobacco products: do smokers like them
    07-04-10 A randomised control study of a fully automated internet based smoking cessation programme
    07-04-10 Industry sponsored anti-smoking ads and adolescent reactance: test of a boomerang effect